Food Causing Cancer

Food Causing Cancer. Some time ago this beauty and health website has been posting information about Foods to Prevent Cancer. Now the right time to share information about Food Causing Cancer.

1. Fat
Researchers showed that fat can make cancer cells candidate become active. So, what kind of fat that we must look out for? First is animal fat, if you are including a person that easy to get a cancer attack (such as, mother or grandmother that suffered breast cancer). Try to consumption fat animal slightly. Also milk, milk is good for health and prevent cancer, even inside of milk found many kinds of substance that can against cancer. But many researches showed that cancer patient are high milk consumer of low milk consumer. So try to consumption low fat milk every day.
Be side’s animal fat, vegetable oil that made by coconut or corn oil can stimulating cancer, because of that many expert suggestions to consumption olive oil.

2. Fried / Burnt Foods
Fried / Burnt Food can make chemistry molecule change become carcinogenic food. Also burnt food when it burns above of fire, such as chicken burn that burn until it so charred, research showed that burnt food has carcinogenic characteristic.

3. Alcohol
If you want to get free from cancer, avoid to consumption alcohol. Research showed that much cancer patient is alcohol drinker. This drink can make cancer liver, breast, alimentary tract and cancer prostate.

4. Preserved Foods
Canned foods and smoked food, salted food or acidified foods can stimulating cancer, you know why? Because it has materials that can causing cancer (carcinogens). Absolutely you can still consumption sausage or smoked meat, but slightly. But a fresh food is much better for our health.