Can Early Abortion Prevent Maternal Death Rate

Every year a large number of women die due to child birth or complications in pregnancies. Some of the pregnancies are not even carried out full term before the mothers lose their lives. It has been a point of endless argument whether early abortion can prevent the increasing number of maternal death rate.


Abortion is an end to a pregnancy by killing the embryo or the fetus in order to prevent bringing a child into this world. Abortion can be in form of a miscarriage or it can be performed deliberately. There may be a number of reasons due to which an induced abortion is performed.
Abortions are carried out in the early stages of the pregnancy to avoid further complications as problems in performing abortion in the later stages can prove to be fatal for the mother. Early abortions can be carried out with the help of medicines as well as simple surgical procedures. Early abortions carry less risk and the procedure is less of an emotional trauma. 
Can Early Abortion Prevent Maternal Death Rate.
  • It has been long a matter of debate, if maternal death rate can be controlled by early abortions. According to the doctors, it will be a lesser trauma for the woman both emotionally and physically if the abortion is carried out early in the pregnancy rather than delaying it and performing it at a later stage where it poses a death threat to mother.
  • At a later stage there is always the danger of loss of blood during the abortion which is the main cause of maternal death.
  • If a problem is detected in the earlier stages of pregnancy, it is better to deal with it at that time and save a life rather than leave it for later. If left, it may cause some infection in the body which can hinder further pregnancies.
  • It is better to perform an abortion to save a woman’s life from some disorder or disability in life.
  • If the doctor has diagnosed that in later stages the pregnancy will not continue in a normal manner and cause problems, it is better to have it terminated rather than carry over and risk the mother’s life.
Early abortions can prevent maternal death only when they are performed in a hygienic environment and under a medical supervisor’s care. Otherwise, it not only causes a risk to maternal health but also leads to further complications.