How to Get Pregnant Quickly

3 unique tips (and 1 helpful tip) for how to get pregnant quickly that will really help you to accelerate your pregnancy goals and help you to get pregnant as soon as you can.

  1. A lot of women experience a dryer flow when they are actually ovulating. (This can be due to certain pharmaceutical drugs being taken at the time, or stress or a plethora of other things) If you are finding that you are not experiencing a nice clear slimy type cervical fluid during ovulation, something that some refer to as an egg white type look and feel, then the use of an actual egg during love making can be so very beneficial. It can really help the sperm to travel up through you. Note: Lots of people rely on supermarket type gels or lotions etc to use as lubricants, and this can often hinder the effort of trying to fall pregnant due to the fact that more often than not, these types of lotions or creams can kill the sperm before it even gets a chance to make its way to the egg. Saliva also is a spermicide in itself, so please remember that when if you are intending for a pregnancy. The reason why egg white is so beneficial is because it also contains protein which helps the sperm swim through.
  2. Number two on the list for how to get pregnant quickly is not something that you would read everyday, but something nonetheless to really take heed of as it can dramatically impact your chances of conceiving, (not to mention your chances of carrying a healthy baby to term). Very often, couples that decide they want to get pregnant, then decide they would also like to freshen up the house a bit and also create a nursery for baby. All nice things for a new edition to the family, unfortunately also things that can either cause you to add years onto your chances of conceiving (or remove your chances of getting pregnant naturally altogether, as your doctor may end up telling you that you are infertile for no reason they can be sure of). The reason for this is now that you have a lovely fresh painted house, new carpet perhaps and any other new things in the home like curtains, you have also significantly increased the amount of airborne toxins that you are now both constantly breathing in. One of these nasty poisons is formaldehyde. A chemical they add to lots of things like house paint and carpets, also a chemical that can prevent you from falling pregnant. Or perhaps prevent you from carrying your baby right through to full term. (And something that doctors cannot pick up when trying to figure out why you are not falling pregnant.) One way to reduce the amount of formaldehyde in your house is to paint using 'green' paints only, and source 'green' carpets as well. Remember that it is also used in bed sheets, clothes, curtains, just about everything sadly. You can buy organic cotton sheets to help and check into companies that create toxic free house supplies. Another way is to buy house plants that remove formaldehyde and other toxins from the air that you breathe. A NASA scientist, working on ways to remove toxins in the air for astronauts going into space, discovered that certain house plants actively remove toxins from the air we breathe. One of them is called a snake plant. There are quite a few plants, so you can choose the ones that are easiest to maintain and suit your style.
  3. An obvious tip for how to get pregnant quickly is to give up smoking. Although you may know there are health risks for yourself and baby from smoking. Something that some people may not know is that smoking reduces sperm motility in men, thereby decreasing male fertility, which only helps to make having a baby even harder. You need all the balls in your court if you are going to fall pregnant easily and naturally, therefore giving up smoking yourself and asking your partner to do the same thing will take you a long way to achieving a healthy and successful fertilised egg. Smoking can also damage the ovaries in women, another good reason to steer clear of cigarettes.
  4. This tip is something that is not so much a tip for what to do, but for what not to do. Don't rely on taking your basal temperature readings as a way of knowing your most fertile time of each of your cycles. I know that you may have heard recording your temperature will help you to determine your ovulation times, but what it actually does is to indicate to you when you have finished ovulating, by that time, your egg is dead and has already gone, thereby being too late to try and fertilise it. (Please note that recording your basal temperatures are great for other things, just not for discovering ovulation as it’s then too late.) If you do want to use a natural and no cost way of knowing when you are going to be ovulating each month, you need to be checking your cervical mucus instead. Look for a clear (as mentioned above) egg white type consistency. You will also have this consistency a couple of days before you are actually ovulating. This is also a good time to start having intercourse with your partner as the sperm will wait inside you for when your egg is released a couple of days later. Sperm can live inside a woman for up to 5 days. Therefore, making love a couple of days before ovulation, using your cervical mucus (fluid) as your indicator, will truly help you to conceive. If you are recording your basal temperature, you can keep having sex through ovulation until you experience a rise in your temperature one morning. Note: the last day of ovulation, is the day that your egg white type cervical mucus is its stretchiest. (Where it can be stretched easily between your fingers.) If you are not recording your temperatures, then keep having sex every day until you have finished ovulating, and maybe a day or so after that.
    One more thing to note is that if you male partner has a normal sperm count then it is best for you both to have intercourse daily at the above mentioned times. However, if your partners sperm count is low, then to ensure his sperm has time to rebuild after each time you have sex, only have sex every second day, again according to the above mentioned times.